i like to m-o-v-e it, m-o-v-e it!

subtitle: world’s worst zumba teacher.

i love aerobic exercise. i do. i completely realize that it’s not cool. and i’m okay with that. one day i want to be an aerobics teacher (step, floor, etc. doesn’t matter!) and do my own mash ups. well, a girl’s gotta dream!

so in my pursuit of this dream i started taking a zumba class (careful, this link has music). it’s this latin-inspired dance aerobic hybrid thing that was fun the first class. the first class i was preoccupied with how beautiful it was that a room full of primarily white, nonrhythmic women were just trying and dancing and loving it. this class i was concerned with how absolutely bogus the teacher is.

i mean, i’m all for enthusiasm (even at the cost of technique sometimes), but baby girl straight peaced out on the class, stopped giving instruction and was just dancing A LOT. she even said, “oh sorry! i guess i just lost you guys there.” this wouldn’t have been a problem if we knew what we were doing, but we didn’t and also there were some mentally retarded adults in the class trying to learn the moves. not cool eureka! not cool! (oh yeah, her name is eureka!)

also, she had a 4-5 move repitoire which is not gonna hold me for an hour. i’m particularly great dancer, but even i was bored! not to mention, the yipping and strange latin sounds that she and the other members of the class are encouraged to make despite anyone of hispanic heritage being present. also, tonight there was someone there dancing it up that looked like an eastern european peasant. but she was wearing a buret instead of the helment in that picture.

anyway, i will now pay homage to my aerobic hero (a tie between my mom and her hero joannie gregainns). WATCH ALL THE COMMERCIALS THEY’RE PERFECT!

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